happy chinese new year

Monday, January 26, 2009

恭喜发财 万事如意

but my favourite 武侠大师, 梁羽生,梁大侠, 却撒手西去, 实在令人惋惜及感慨。




irresponsible, ignorant, incompetent people

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I cannot imagine people who refuse to learn, refuse to contribute to society.

It's fine by me if you do that within your own space and time. However, if you are trying to influence others to be like you, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

A quote from 'Blood Diamond' : "God left this place a long time ago."

It's true if you look around you. Law abiding, hardworking citizens are being placed in havoc situations caused by irresponsible, ignorant and incompetent people.

You ask "why?", there is no clear answer.

Best explanation would be it is a integrated design flaw in humans - human's greed and desire to outshine others.

Social injustice anyone?

something nice

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I recently acquired a 2009 management organiser from Allianz. There was an extra page that I think is worth sharing.


"Life is filled with many important moments. Sometimes we need to just stop and enjoy each moment in our lives."

A im high.
B elieve in yourself.
C arve your destiny.
D ream.
E xpand your network.
F ollow your heart.
G ive more, take less.
H ave a heart.
I ndulge in chocolates.
J ust be yourself.
K ick back and relax.
L isten more.
M arry the one you love.
N ever say never.
O pen yourself to opportunities.
P amper your spouses.
Q uestion the impossible.
R ead a book.
S mell the flowers.
T ake chances.
U are unique.
V alue what you have.
W alk with confidence.
X press yourself.
Y earn for more.
Z est for life.


I particularly like the phrase 'have a heart'. Have a heart, be considerate and tolerant towards others.

First Post of 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!! May all your wishes come true =]

I just deleted my old blog. I found the posts tedious and boring. Started this new blog with a more friendly and simple design. The old one was kinda..over the top.

Anyway, I will try something called AdSense? Hope they approve my application *crosses fingers*

As this is a brand new blog, I have yet to decide what the main content of this blog will be. I am thinking technology-related stuff. Maybe if I have time I will set up a personal blog too. Hehe.

I have recently replaced my laptop! When I say 'replace', it is actually merely upgrading it. I use to have one of the oldest laptops in the Toshiba Satellite series and now I am using the Satellite L310. So far so good. What can I say? It's a Toshiba. My old laptop was with me for 4 years? Never had problems, except that it had shockingly little internal memory. I should've waited till the launching of Quadcore processors and Microsoft 7. Oh well. =\

Bollocks. My course adviser seemed to disappeared. I need her permission to overload! Damn online registration thing that blocks off extra credit points. I am still waiting for her to reconfirm my course structure.

Sorry, no pictures at the moment. Will blog more later.

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