something nice

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I recently acquired a 2009 management organiser from Allianz. There was an extra page that I think is worth sharing.


"Life is filled with many important moments. Sometimes we need to just stop and enjoy each moment in our lives."

A im high.
B elieve in yourself.
C arve your destiny.
D ream.
E xpand your network.
F ollow your heart.
G ive more, take less.
H ave a heart.
I ndulge in chocolates.
J ust be yourself.
K ick back and relax.
L isten more.
M arry the one you love.
N ever say never.
O pen yourself to opportunities.
P amper your spouses.
Q uestion the impossible.
R ead a book.
S mell the flowers.
T ake chances.
U are unique.
V alue what you have.
W alk with confidence.
X press yourself.
Y earn for more.
Z est for life.


I particularly like the phrase 'have a heart'. Have a heart, be considerate and tolerant towards others.


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